Thursday, December 28, 2006

Review Last Year - Show Up This Year

The Vibrant Moment--Review Last Year- Show Up This Year

Greeting Vibrant Moment Seekers,

If your physical body and emotional body do not reflect back to you--a Big Difference from the body and emotions you had last year, this means you are not growing toward your soul's desires.

Each year is a step forward toward your purpose in life.

Self improvement is not permanent until your physical body reflects the changes. You may think you have changed, but if you cannot see a difference in the mirror, the energy is not there. You must see your energy field radiate out more love and light when you look in the mirror.

Others can see you, feel you and sense you. So take a loving look at yourself.

I do not want you to waste your precious life another moment in mundaneness and ordinary consciousness. You have innate talents, skills and abilities which need to be used for the highest good. If you are not using them, they are being wasted.

Emotional health is not achieved until your body relaxes to allow more vibrant energy to flow though your flesh. We are incarnate after all! This means in- the- flesh. The way to get more juicy energy flowing though your body is to let go ofold, thought patterns, false beliefs, projections and conditioned responses. Then you have more peak experiences and vibrant moments au natural.

Your body reveals the truth about your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Your body does not have the ability to lie. Read Dr. John Diamond's book, "The Body Doesn't Lie" for more information.

So take stock of your body and emotions. Admit the truth of what you see in the mirror. Review this last year with love and laughter and kindness toward the self.

Do not judge what you see. Or you get stuck in judgment and this takes you no-where! Or even worse, your judgment might take you into depression and anxiety. So beware, review this last year, without judgment.

To learn exactly how to sneak pass your self judgment and cuddle up with self acceptance study, read, listen to "Opening the Heart- Your Emotional Guide to Self Esteem." 3 self help audio tapes, CDs or ebook. Get emotional guidance, holistic psychology information, and as a bonus, the sounds in my voice touch your soul, heart and nervous system directly--- forever changing your body and emotions.

Click here to hear an audio clip of these self help tapes.

Click here to order before your
new year desires get lost.


This is what you feel like doing when you are full of joy. I really do carry my stuff on top of my old womanly trick.
Hear Sandra Yancy, CEO of ewomennetwork and I shooting the breeze about what it takes to be successful with your business on "Live at the Edge" internet radio show. For starters, you got to "Show Up." This applies to all self help success. You have to show up and take action. Otherwise, you are powerless. You cannot succeed at work or play.

Post your comments about Sandra's show or any other interesting radio interviews, such as Peter Shepherd's Mind Development on Live at the Edge Blog. Speak your mind, heart and soul. Ask for what you want and you get it.

So by all means amp up your life with some serious self improvement so you can Show Up This Year.

Here are some specific suggestions:

1-Take action on the things you read in The Vibrant Moment newsletter. Don't just read about something, do something. Order something, buy something, take action. Get education in the areas you need to know more about for success.

2-Follow the free advice and suggestions posted on my free radio show even if you are not single, "Tips for Singles" on "Live at the Edge.' If you use any of these tips you get on the self help success track. year at this time you are sure to notice a Huge Difference between your body and feelings from last year. Even those of us in a relationship need to stay centered in our power to stay on our own spiritual path.

3-Show Up for yourself, Be there for yourself. Stop avoiding and Show up. This is huge, try it and see what happens. Just show up.

4- Let something touch your heart and soul. A person, a moment, a color, a feeling, a sound- consider allowing my voice to touch your heart.

5-Use your Mind to set in motion this year's intentions. Imagine them, see them and then put some energy behind them.

6- Sign up for your free holistic psychology, mind body spirit newsletter:
Get two free gifts, "How Colors Affect Emotions" and "Emotional Intelligence Test and Emotional Intelligence Definition"

Next year can be the year when you turn the corner.

Become the person you know you are inside. Become your authentic, real, spiritual self in the real body.


Sounds like I am ready for some warmer weather and blue water.

Doris Jeanette, copyright, January, 2007

Monday, December 18, 2006

Get Labeled with ADHD or Get Help with ADHD?

By Dr. Doris Jeanette

First, I would like to thank Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby for sharing his point of view about my article on ADHD where I applied a universal law to the labels that medicine and psychology stick on people. Another thank you to Peter Shepherd for sharing his thoughts based on his mind development work. Open dialogues improve communication and knowledge for all of us. I welcome comments from readers -- shoot me an email at my email address with your comments. Or post them on this blog.

Secondly, you need to know I have spent 30 years bringing into focus a New Psychology. My approach offers people who are interested, a new paradigm. I have never been satisfied with the current effectiveness of psychology or medicine. See and study the huge difference between the New Psychology and the Old Psychology.

The New Psychology has a holistic approach, which means it addresses the mind-body-spirit as one, whole, energy system. We do not focus on symptoms, such as allergies, ADHD or schizophrenia. As Jay Haley said," Schizophrenia is no excuse for anything!" Neither are allergies or ADHD.

The New Psychology goes to the root cause, the source, the beginning. The bottom-line is where we focus, looking for effective solutions. We help each adult or child use more of their natural talents and inherent abilities. Activating a person's unique skills and innate strengths is the remedy for imbalances in the whole mind-body-spirit system.

It does not matter what symptom or label a person has, the solution is to build up the authentic self, the inner core so that a person's energy flow is stronger and healthier. This improves all physical health, emotional health and mental health.

To achieve success, a person learns to tell the difference between the energy of the authentic self and the energy of the maladaptive, learned self. If you want to learn to differentiate these energies, study and work with the self help audio, cds and ebook, "Opening the Heart". This knowledge empowers you to self help success.

This is yet another reason, besides the reality that energy follows thought, to question the labels placed on you by medicine or psychology. When you take on a label, such as ADHD, you enter a very sticky place that is hard to shift energetically. Your true identity, your authentic self, is replaced by an outside definition, ADHD.

To say that a label must be received in order to get the help you need, is faulty thinking. This false belief goes back to when men decided to stop killing the witches. Over a period of 300 years, 7-11 million women were killed. These medicine women had effective herbs and knowledge about how to heal the body and mind. This zealous elimination of medicine women was the moment medicine lost its way and it has yet to recover.

This historic slaughter gradually began to cease because Johan Weyer convinced the authorities that witches were crazy. Here we have distorted thinking. We must proclaim you crazy, so we can stop killing you. Does that sound logical? Of course not.

This type of thinking is still present today in the way a label such as ADHD is considered to be necessary in order for the Dr. to help him. Does that sound rational? Of course not.

While we are fortunate Johan found a way to break up this out of control, hysterical behavior in 1563, we need more rational arguments today. Let us look logically upon our past. The so called witches were not the ones who were crazy. No, the men who believed these women had really been sleeping with the devil were full blown psychotic.

Everyone needs help. I frequently say, "I need all the help I can get." However, I do not need any diagnostic label in order to get my needs meet. I am sure medical doctors need all the help they can get. Every adult and child in this world can get the help that is available by seeking, asking and receiving. ADHD labels are not a prerequisite.

The root cause of most physical, mental or emotional problems is some sort of inhibition. Stopping a child's natural healthy energy from flowing in the first place is the beginning of symptoms such as ADHD, allergies and hyperactivity. The major aspects of the real self that we inhibit are body movements, emotional expression and sexuality. If you want to learn how to achieve healthy emotional expression study, “Opening the Heart.”

With any stimulus - whether it is a behavior, a person, a germ, a food - you have two choices. You either avoid the judgment, which is likely to make you weaker. Or face the irritation and meet it as an equal. Avoidance behaviors weaken your body and energy field. This statement is based on the huge body of learning research that exists on classical conditioning, operant conditioning and modeling.

It is not hard to learn how to notice your body and how it responds to stimuli. Or to notice your children and how they respond to their environment. Child with ADHD or other labels need help from adults because they do not have the power to change their environment.

If you do not know how to sense your own body, you can learn and then teach your children. Start by studying the self help audio “Hear Your Body Talking।” Your body knows what makes you stronger and what makes you weaker.

Applied Kinesiology research is also well documented. See for yourself if your muscles become weaker when you think of yourself as a person with ADHD or schizophrenia. Try it and see. Thinking of myself as a person with allegories certainty does not make my muscles stronger.

Allergies are not the source of ADHD or any other problem. Allergies are a symptom of a deeper problem. ADHD is the symptom of a deeper problem. The source is the place the New Psychology or holistic psychology goes to for solutions. We want to improve self esteem, build up vital energy in every cell, especially in the nervous system and brain. We show people how to relate effectively and equally to physical reality.

My message to you is loud and clear. You are strong, physically strong, emotionally strong and mentally strong. You have the inner strengths you need to succeed. There is absolutely nothing "wrong" with you or your child.

If someone labels you mentally retarded, ADHD or borderline personality, take yourself to task and become the best you that you can be. If you are missing a chromosome, have strange DNA or chemistry that others are not knowledgeable about - believe in yourself.

Do not believe in medicine or psychology or authorities who think they know more than you do. Your inner voice is the only authority to listen to, and listen deeply.

Seek help from others, because everyone need experts to help us though our bumpy lives. Use Keith, Doris, Peter and other experts to help you - as needed. However, it is not for us to tell you the answer or give you a label.

Our job is to help you recognize, love and follow your own inner knowing. Otherwise you will be lost at sea without a paddle.

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D., is a licensed psychologist, Director of the Center for New Psychology, author of the self help audio, CDs and ebook, "Opening the Heart" and host of the radio show, "Live at the Edge."

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Give Up Guilt to Enjoy Family More

Enjoy Your Family More When You Give Up Guilt

by Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.

Guilt is the worst experience known to humans.

It ties us up in knots and makes us feel unworthy and miserable.

Contrary to what most people think, guilt is not a real feeling.

Guilt is the result of thinking you have done something wrong. You think you have done something wrong because you judge yourself or someone else judges you. A child does not "feel guilty" until someone tells her that she has offended someone or hurt someone's so called "feelings."

Psychologically "feeling guilty" is a conditioned response, not an authentic feeling. In other words, you are taught to feel bad and thus guilty when someone judges you. This judgment can be about anything, such as how you dress, how you move, how you think, what you do.

For example, you go home for Christmas and the first thing your mother says is, “You’ve gained weight.” If your psyche and body go into a defensive mode you experience her comments as critical and you experience judgment. This triggers off self judgment, and the result is guilt. You think you did something wrong for eating all those cookies and gaining all that weight. Needless to say, the more guilt you have the more you eat.

People, cultures and societies over the centuries have used guilt, shame and blame to control their children. The Jewish culture is famous for developing guilt to a high art. I was full of guilt myself so the southern American families have obviously used it very successfully as well!

Guilt is used to condition children to behave as expected. When you "feel guilty," you think you have done something wrong and are judging yourself.

The result is your energy becomes totally tied up in knots and pulls you in different directions at the same time, with no resolution possible. Yuck.

Guilt is a lose, lose situation. You have committed a "sin" and you need to be punished. Pretty awful stuff. So of course being the "good person" that you are, you punish yourself for being so bad by making yourself miserable. No matter what you do, you feel bad. It is a losing battle, an inner conflict where you lose no matter what you do. Ugh.

If you look at guilt objectively, it is easy to see this no -win situation is crazy. Guilt is unhealthy and makes you sick. Your mental health, emotional health and physical health suffers. Never, yes, never trust guilt! If you have done something you sincerely regret, apologize and stop doing it. Otherwise
dispense with guilt. Do not let guilt ruin your life.

So how do you get rid of guilt?

Become conscious of your mental judgments toward yourself and stop making judgments against yourself. Do the same with others and their judgments of you. You will find you have been conditioned to think badly of yourself for many, many healthy behaviors, activities and enjoyments.
The only way to resolve guilt is to stop making yourself or others wrong. It is simple, but hard to do because we have been trained to judge everything and everybody.

You will experience relief as soon as you forgive yourself or forgive the other person. Forgiveness is really nothing more than giving up your own judgment about something. Learn more about how to do this and achieve emotional health when you listen to or read "Opening the Heart- Your Emotional Guide to Self Esteem."

Try this exercise.

Stop using the word "should" or “should not” for a month and your life with change.

There is no right or wrong, good or bad in emotional health reality. There are plenty of experiences to learn from and you can learn from each mistake and each success you participate in.

Get out there and enjoy learning and living and growing. Toss guilt out. Trust yourself and love yourself. Create the life you want and the relationships you want.
Try a guilt free way to live and your family holidays and family dynamics are sure to become lots more fun.

Copyright, doris jeanette, december 2006

Dr. Doris Jeanette is a licensed psychologist who has pioneered a new, holistic psychology which offers self help solutions to multicultural people around the world. She is a radio show host, coach, speaker and columnist. For more information about healthy family dynamics and breaking free from guilt read or listen to, "Opening Your Heart- Your Emotional Guide to Self Esteem." Self Help tapes,CDs and Ebook at