Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Movies, Mental Illness and Anxiety Help

The arts exist to help you feel your emotions, to
make you care and to rise you up to a higher
level of functioning. If you want to know more
about the newly released films that can help you,
follow me on twitter. I covered the Philly Film Fest.

Connie Stevens wrote and directed a movie about
her life events at the age of 10. Saving Grace B.
Jones is one of the most powerful movies I have
ever experienced. It exposes a subject everyone
else wants to keep in the closet. Mental illness.

Young folks will not remember Connie Stevens,
the singer and starlet. However us older folks do.
And you all will be mighty surprised at her brilliant
movie on mental health, trauma and resiliency.

How American society still treats people when they
have emotional problems and mental health
problems is horrific.

In older societies, intuitive, sensitive people became
the medicine woman, the shaman, and the Delphic
oracle for Alexander the Great.

Traditionally, the oracle at Delphi first belonged to
Mother Earth (Gaea) but later was stolen by Apollo.
This tells us everything.

Mother Earth is the keeper of sanity. Mother Earth is
the keeper of reality. Your relationship to her is the
difference between being sane and being insane.

We became anxious, depressed and crazy when we
lost our connection to Mother Earth.

Check out your energy connection to Mother Earth.
Get your feet plugged in and keep them there for sanity.


NATURE WORKSHOP, the best way to connect to
Mother Earth is to join a small group of sensitive people
as we learn new ways to plug our feet into gravity
and drop our body down into the sand. Come play
with body and energy awareness exercises
all day at Cape May, NJ on May 3. You will get grounded.
Readers get a big discount by signing
up before April 20th. Send in your check for $100.00
to Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St, Philadelphia, PA 19146.
Otherwise sign up online for $150.00 anytime:

For those of you who cannot get to Cape May,
consider the Overcoming Anxiety Naturally online course.
This course was made to teach you how to get grounded
and stay grounded. Lots of body and energy exercises to
keep you plugged in. You can get mp3s or CDs.
Check it out at
I have been redoing this course so that it has 12 lessons
instead of 6. So the price will be going up soon.

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