Guilt and Judgment Keep you from having fun and enjoying life.
Here is a chance to catch some exciting information that
can help you increase the flow of spiritual energy in your physical body.
Here is a testimonial about a Get Rid of Guilt
Teleseminar CD that you can order so that you can learn how to live a guilt free life.
Here is what Ani Colt said about Doris Jeanette's Guilt Teleseminar:
"Excellent Teleseminar! Good job! Your Teleseminar on Guilt and Judgment was clear, well organized and beautifully presented. Most of all, your energy point of view, showed me how I can lighten up on the pesky thought patterns of judgment and guilt." Ani Colt. Editor, Spirituality and Sexuality Journal
Guilt is the #1 problem that gets in your way of
enjoying life and feeling free in your body and
Want to Live a Guilt Free Life? Order the CD,“5 Actions that Eliminate Guilt and Reduce Judgments” Learn tricks and tools to break free from nasty, unhealthy guilt energy. Taught by Doris Jeanette, Psy.D, pioneer in the holistic psychology movement. The owner of this blog wants you to enjoy life.
Judgment and Guilt are two nasty energies
that stop you, block you and render you helpless.
Sometimes you don't even know
what has happened to your
flowing, vital energy. But you can
bet your bottom dollar that it is
these nasty monsters, the two ugly sisters,
that have gotten to you and your joy.
Learn How to:
Recognize when you are in the energy of Guilt -- it is not a real feeling.
Recognize when you are in the energy of Judgment.
Recognize how healthy emotional flow is different from these mental states.
Use the first psychologist law to help you overcome your obstacles and self sabotage
Break free from Judgment and Guilt in daily life using Tools and Tricks
Choose self acceptance instead of being controlled by others people's judgment
Live a Guilt Free Life
Reducing Mental Judgments and Eliminating Guilt can quickly improve your happiness.
Never make any decision when you are in the company of guilt or judgment. Let Cinderella dance, play and have fun.
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