Acquire Health by Relaxing into the Sand,
Suggests Licensed Psychologist Dr. Doris Jeanette
Research has noted for years that without healthy physical connections, children do not develop properly and adults become violent. An innovative approach offered by the Center for the Holistic Psychology helps people become more aware of their bodies as a means to improve health. Cape May, NJ is the place where Dr. Jeanette offers her next Nature Workshop on May 6th.
People are taken to the beach where they are taught how to relax into their muscles, nerves and bones until they become physically comfortable in the sand. This helps people feel safe, resulting in an effective way to reduce mental, physical and emotional stress.
According to Dr. Doris Jeanette, licensed psychologist, the field of gravity itself has a calming effect on the nervous system. "It is well known that relaxation is the optimal state for any organism. When we are relaxed, we achieve peak performance in any area of our lives," she states.
Recently newspapers have reported that drugs and psychotherapy are ineffective with depression and anxiety. Conversely, Jeanette notes that anything that involves the body seems to help. "Just like a child needs a healthy physical, emotional attachment to mother, we need an intimate attachment to Mother Earth."
Nature Workshops attendees report: "I am more aware of my body;" "I seem to be less critical of myself, more patience," "I don't know what happens, I love it, I feel better."
An intimate relationship with Mother Nature is a fast, fun and effective way to relax, access your human potential and improve your emotional, mental and physical health.
Nature Workshop, May 6th, Cape May, NJ, Center for the Holistic Psychology offers creative events that provide safe, drug free ways to better health. For more information visit Nature Workshops by Doris Jeanette
Doris Jeanette-
Cape May, New Jersey Nature Workshop
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