Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Go With the Flow

Daily doses of Doris on twitter at:


The 13th secret in my free report, "16 Secrets to
Relaxing During a Recession" is: "Go with the flow."

What is flow? Flow is when you allow natural energy
to take you somewhere instead of fighting against the
natural energy. Natural energy is reality. Yelp, reality.

An example of not going with the flow is trying to swim
upstream. When you swim upstream you have to work
hard and you don't get very far.

However, if you go with the flow, you float down the river.
You enjoy the scenery, stay relaxed and energized and have
many interesting, exciting and meaningful experiences.

Your results in life are so much better if you do not fight or
resist what is happening.

Go with the flow, create what you need from the material
that you have available to you and enjoy the scenery.


LEARN TO FLOW: One of the major benefits of a Nature
Workshop is learning how to go with the flow. Learn
to take your flow home with you and maintain it in
everyday life. Join us in Pt. Pleasant, PA, Saturday,
October 17th near NYC and Philadelphia.
Lovely fall colors, river and trees will help you flow.
More information and sign up at


EMOTIONAL FLOW: Opening the Heart audio teaches you
how to sense the flow of healthy emotional energy so you
can ride your natural energy into joy and freedom.
Order your guide so you too can follow your flow:


If you have not downloaded the free report, "16 Secrets to
Relaxing During a Recession" get it here:


Get Mentored:

Private Energy Consultation:
You can create your own retreat as an individual
or couple.


Doris Jeanette is a licensed psychologist with 33 years of
experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. She is author of "Opening
the Heart," "Overcoming Anxiety Naturally"and 14
other self help products.

For weekly encouragement sign up for her free newsletter, The
Vibrant Moment at

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